Bright Idea: This Natural Glow Stick Doesn’t Pollute
Lux Bio invented a bioluminescent alternative to the toxic plastic wands that litter landfills and oceans.
Lux Bio invented a bioluminescent alternative to the toxic plastic wands that litter landfills and oceans.
Peko was launched by students to save groceries from the landfill. They’re helping to cut food bills and climate emissions.
This Kamloops non-profit is feeding the dreams of local chefs passionate about community food systems.
Timber Tiles on Vancouver Island offers a climate-friendly alternative to an ancient craft that today relies on fossil fuels.
For social enterprise 4VI, it’s about visitors and their dollars leaving the place in better shape than they found it.
Ji Yang is working to create a climate-resilient beer brewed with locally grown hops.
From husks that would go to waste, Tidal Vision extracts a polymer with many green uses.
How wizards of wetlands restoration are bringing biodiversity back to West Coast landscapes.
The heaviest diesel semis are the dirtiest. Titan Freight Systems chose the electric lane and says it’s paying off.
BC’s Vitacore figured out how to recycle difficult plastics like the respirators it manufactures by the millions.
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