Now is a point of inflection. The rapidly changing climate, inequitable economies, and multiple failing systems demand we rethink—and retool—the ways we engage with each other and our home. We need new ideas and approaches for how to thrive with nature, as individuals and communities.
At Magic Canoe, we know that many of the best solutions to the polycrisis are locally-driven and draw on deep wells of creativity, natural abundance, and local knowledge. And we know – throughout history – transformative ideas often come from places that have less access to mainstream power, money, and visibility.
In the vast expanse of lands and waters that stretches from central California to the North Slope of Alaska, a bioregion we call Salmon Nation, thousands of determined individuals are finding new ways to make our lands more abundant, our food systems more equitable, our forests more resilient, our economies more regenerative, and our communities healthier—all while reconnecting people and place.
Our purpose is to be a champion of what works by uplifting the stories of these remarkable individuals and communities, and sharing their ideas widely through this website, convenings, and events to help all of us envision and strive for a better future during these challenging times.
We hope you find inspiration in Magic Canoe, and the motivation to act on your own passions to help build a more regenerative and just planet for people and nature in Salmon Nation.
Magic Canoe works in collaboration with Salmon Nation Trust: a Public Benefit LLC focused on whole system design and instigation of creative initiatives and companies that improve the health of our bioregion. Read the thesis here.
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